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Azienda Agricola Minnelea recognizes the right of withdrawal as provided by current regulations for all NON-food and NON-customized products. The deadline for exercising this right is 14 days, as required by law.
Within this period, the customer must send a written communication via registered letter or email to Info@minnelea.com, addressed to: Azienda Agricola Minnelea, Via Serra 12, Moio della Civitella (SA), Attn: E-Commerce Manager. The letter must include the bank details (bank name, branch name, ABI code, CAB code, account number) where the customer wishes to receive the refund for the returned goods, minus the shipping costs and any delivery options. Along with the letter, the customer must return the goods via courier, ensuring they are packed in suitable packaging to guarantee the integrity of the goods during transport.
The packaging must be INTACT and sent within 3 days of receiving the purchased goods to the following address: Azienda Agricola Minnelea, Via Serra 12, Moio della Civitella (SA). Within 20 days of receiving the registered letter and the goods, Masseria Fruttirossi Srl will process the refund of the exact amount the customer paid for the ordered goods (excluding any shipping costs) to the bank details provided by the customer.
Prodotti artigianali del Cilento, realizzati con passione, ingredienti locali e un occhio di riguardo alla sostenibilità.
Solo materie prime locali, senza conservanti o additivi.
Tecniche delicate per preservare freschezza, aroma e valori nutrizionali.
Materie prime 100% cilentane, trasformate vicino ai luoghi di raccolta.
Imballaggi sostenibili e prodotti trasformati a pochi km dalla terra al laboratorio.