Affiliate Agreement

Affiliate Agreement

This agreement is made between Azienda Agricola Minnelea (hereinafter referred to as "Azienda Agricola Minnelea") and the Affiliate who has applied for affiliation (hereinafter referred to as "Affiliate").

The ultimate goal is to reach an agreement with the members of the association so that they can benefit from mutual advantages in terms of economic gains and sharing their cultural choices, which Azienda Agricola Minnelea and the Affiliate aim to promote.

Article 1. - Purpose of the Agreement and Relationship between the Parties

This agreement defines the terms of collaboration, work principles, rights, obligations, and behaviors of all participants in the Azienda Agricola Minnelea Affiliate Program.

The parties to this agreement are independent contractors and have no obligations regarding predetermined reporting or working hours for the activities carried out.

No agreement within this contract grants the right to franchise or exclusive representation for the services of Azienda Agricola Minnelea, and such submission will not be considered a franchise or exclusive representation.

Article 2. – Participation in the Affiliate Program

To become an Affiliate, it is necessary to register for the program and receive an Affiliate ID, along with a username and password to access the affiliate program's website and check one's results.

To register for the program, your email address will be recorded to send confidential communications to the Affiliates. In case of violation of any of the provisions of this agreement, Azienda Agricola Minnelea reserves the right to terminate the agreement at any time, without notice and without specific reason, but will pay the accumulated salary up to that point.

Article 3. – Collaboration Methods

Affiliates can use three types of affiliation within our program: Banner, Link, Promo Code. The Affiliate may use all affiliation methods for one domain or multiple domains.

The affiliation with Azienda Agricola Minnelea grants the Affiliate the non-exclusive right to market all services and products offered by the company, without exclusive rights to any area, product, or product line.

Azienda Agricola Minnelea grants its Affiliates a non-exclusive right to use the logo, banners, images, texts, and other materials to enable members of the program to be distinguished.

A customer who has never made a purchase at your company but is registered on your site can only be affiliated with their first order if they use the Affiliate's code in that order.

A vendor who has never placed an order with MINNELEA but is registered on the site can only be affiliated with their first order if this order uses the Affiliate's coupon code.

The terms of the Azienda Agricola Minnelea affiliate agreement do not allow websites that contain any of the following elements: pornography, violence, any type of discrimination (religion, nationality, racism, sexism, etc.), illegal activities, websites not approved by the discretion of Azienda Agricola Minnelea. Azienda Agricola Minnelea will periodically send out a newsletter with all relevant information and updates for its Affiliates, useful for achieving the best performance.

Article 4. – Commission Amount and Payment Methods

The Affiliate receives a commission for each completed purchase with payment received.

The commission is calculated only on the net value of the product and not on the purchase tax.

Monthly costs are calculated as follows: After paying the tax, shipping expenses, and any applicable fees, a remainder will be left.

The payment amount is proportional to the following calculation: Products purchased by a private customer: 20% of the total stock of Azienda Agricola Minnelea's products.

The Affiliate can check clicks and sales reports at any time by accessing their account. (As specified above, there may be issues with our software due to internal or external factors. In such cases, we will cross-check between our Google Analytics page and the Affiliate's page to ensure maximum transparency.)

Cookies last 90 days, so an Affiliate arriving from an affiliate site of can have up to 90 days to complete an order on, and if they were a recent Affiliate of, they can still return as another Affiliate even if they do not order directly on

It is better to remain an Affiliate with an Affiliate for the three months following the first completed order; after that, you will become an agency.

In the event of the Affiliate's death or disappearance, customers will become Affiliates of Minnelea Agricola.

If an Affiliate is not an individual but an entity, business, organization, or similar, in the event of a transfer of the business, the Affiliate business will revert to Azienda Agricola.

The Affiliate Agreement is non-transferable to third parties unless approved in writing by Azienda Agricola Minnelea.

Some products are offered at discounted prices or for promotional purposes unless they are products that the company excludes from its Affiliate program for confidentiality reasons and that the company communicates to its Affiliates. This video is a free excerpt from the full course.

Commissions are not paid for purchases made by Affiliates.

Article 4 bis. – Non-Affiliable Customers

  • "Customers who, due to company confidentiality reasons, have perpetual discounts cannot be affiliated."
  • "Existing customers of Azienda Agricola Minnelea are not affiliable; the Affiliate earns commission only on new customers they have brought in to make a purchase for the first time."
  • "All customers who are already associated with another Affiliate."

Azienda Agricola Minnelea will pay the earned commissions every two months, precisely by the 10th of the month following the reference two-month period. Payment can be made in three ways:

  • If the Affiliate has PayPal as a payment system, the payment will be made for any amount.
  • If payment is by bank transfer, it will only be made once 50.00 euros are reached.
  • If the Affiliate chooses to spend the earned commissions on the Azienda Agricola Minnelea shop via coupons, they will be paid for any amount they have reached.

Provision of services will always be paid against a fiscal document issued by the Affiliate, which must be received by Azienda Agricola Minnelea within 9 months from the payment; if the document is received by the company after the 10th month from the payment, the provision will be paid in the next season and possibly added to new earned commissions.

Each sale is the responsibility of the Affiliate. Azienda Agricola Minnelea will pay the Affiliate the exact amount earned (plus any applicable taxes, deductions, and/or applicable taxes, which will be included in the earned commission).

Article 5. – Limitation of Liability

Provision of services will always be paid against a fiscal document issued by the Affiliate, which must be received by Azienda Agricola Minnelea within 9 months from the payment; if the document is received by the company after the 10th month from the payment, the provision will be paid in the next season and possibly added to new earned commissions.

Each sale is the responsibility of the Affiliate. Azienda Agricola Minnelea will pay the Affiliate the exact amount earned (plus any applicable taxes, deductions, and/or applicable taxes, which will be included in the earned commission).

The Affiliate will not be liable for indirect, special, or any other types of damages that may arise from the affiliate program and that are demonstrated to be a result of participation in it.

Agricultural companies responsible for commission calculation may ignore indirect damages due to negligence, misunderstanding, omitted information, or possibly removal.

Azienda Agricola Minnelea will not be liable for damages resulting from server malfunctions or software issues that might harm Affiliates.

Article 6. – Prohibitions and Restrictions

It is not permitted to use Affiliates who click on our banners and links improperly to gain illegitimate profits.

It is also forbidden to encourage users to click by placing deceptive links next to individual banners.

The use of any type of software that generates clicks automatically is prohibited.

It is forbidden to use software or systems on one's own blog/website that randomly increase the number of visitors.

Elements for product links must be correctly placed on your site/blog and tested.

It is forbidden to use links generated by How to avoid the message "The resource cannot be found"? I am trying to view a view that contains a list of users (not logged in) on the administration page.

The blog/website where the links/banners of N S are present should have an active Google Analytics service, with good tracking/goal functions and well-targeted (to the contact form/sign-ups, clicks on/in the site/email, and anything that may be useful to assess visitor activity on your blog/site).

The Affiliate must always be able to provide access to their Google Analytics account (active on our blog/website where the links/banners are) as well as W3C access logs (complete IPs, dates, pages visited, referrers).

In case of non-compliance with Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, the account will be closed immediately (without any notice) and the accumulated credit will not be refunded.

Article 7. – Activation and Duration of the Contract, Termination of Cooperation, and Contract Modifications

All these provisions come into effect from the moment the Affiliate signs and completes an online registration form with all the required data.

Any modifications to the contract will come into effect on the website at the time of publication.

"The user is required to stay informed about the Terms and Conditions of the contract."

The effective date of the agreement is set at the time of its adoption by the Affiliate.

If you need assistance with the contract, we are always happy to help, and it is also possible to make modifications and changes at any time and without notice.

Anyone who wants to work with these products in their business or company should share them with them.

This agreement is indefinite and can be terminated by either party at any time without justification by simply sending an email. In particular, it can be terminated immediately and without notice if the Affiliate engages in unfair practices as indicated in Article 6. In this case, no commission will be recognized, and we reserve the right to take further action.

Article 8. – Jurisdiction

There are two parties that must reach an agreement.

If a common solution to the dispute is not found, the court of Vallo della Lucania (SA) will apply the law.

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